
The Carousels Of Paris

A Blog about the Carousels of Paris

Carousels in Paris

Carousels, carrousels, merry-go-rounds, manèges, they have many different names and litter the streets of Paris, providing an irresistible attraction for any passing child. They also come in many different forms and shapes, some ornate and decadent, others small and charming, but all offering little more than the amusement of moving round and round in a circle. Turning in an anti-clockwise direction, so that children may wave with their right hand, they are a French invention, derived from Louis the XIV’s jousting competition, but becoming popular at the turn of the 1900’s.

From my daughters earliest age, she wanted to ride on them, although she was fearful of them at first. Beware, many unscrupulous ticket sellers will not refund your ticket if you do not ride! I soon became aware of the abundance of carousels in Paris and wanted to document the simple, strange and beautiful machines. I will stick to the word carousel, with one r, and I am not sure if I can be completely comprehensive. I believe there are up to 20 in Paris, but I shall endeavour to list them all.

la ronde

The theme music for the film La Ronde written by Oscar Straus