Le Lutin, rue des Martyrs


rue de Martyrs, place Lino Ventura, Paris 75009. Nearest metro Pigalle or Anvers.

This carousel is another small manège, with colourful decoration, incoherent themes painted on the side, such as Noddy, Disney’s Nemo and the ubiquitous Hello Kitty, similar to the carousels at Marx Dormoy or Bastille.

It is called Le Lutin, meaning imp or elf and would help to explain the presence of these two on the side of the ticket box:

However, this really does have a charm to it. Situated on the corner of the rue des Martrys and avenue Trudaine, it is rectangular in form and extremely small. The rides are crammed in to a small pink round base in the centre.

Most suited to 1 to 3 year olds, the carousel revolves slowly and the kids have a choice of bicycles, elephants, a six seater van, a pirate ship and even a large Bugs Bunny chomping a carrot. A bell rings to start the ride as small lights in the centre of the base and on the roof sparkle.

Distinguishing Feature: Not quite stood inside the centre of the carousel, as at Batignolles, the operator of the manège does have his ticket box up within the far end of the structure, where he is close to the children riding. He resembles either a prisoner or a benign giver of merriment, depending on your pont of view.

Music: French children’s nursery rhymes.